I've been working in public relations since before you could email a press release or a pitch. I've wasted many trees when the only means for putting a press release out was by "actually" mailing or faxing it, and the only way to contact an editor or reporter was to pick up the phone. The Internet and email made great changes in the way we as PR people put out and pitched the news, but it's nothing compared to the impact social media is having on PR.
It used to be write the press release, proactively pitch the news, put it on the news wire, send it to all your targeted media contacts, and follow up with your pitch. It was almost a science and you followed it with every bit of news your company put out. Email and the Internet made it much easier and efficient to put out the news, but in many ways it made it harder to reach your contacts. As it became easier to put news out, more companies pumped out more news, and suddenly publications were overwhelmed.
At least then, you still knew who your targeted media contacts were. Now, everyone and anybody is a publisher, editor, and/or reporter. The Blogosphere is immense and is quickly taking over as the go-to places to read about what's new, especially in the technology market. As PR people, we can no longer think about our targeted audience as the reporters and editors of publications. We must think more about who are our end-users and how do we get maximum visibility with them. In most cases, end-users want to hear from their peers and trust their opinions. The Blogosphere is creating a network of peers and it is quickly gaining more credibility than the technology trade publications. To get in front of your end-users, you must get your news in the Blogs that they are reading.
The challenge is...how do you find all the Bloggers that are writing about your technology? To do this, you have to talk to your customers and prospects more to find out who they are reading. You must search for what Bloggers are covering your competition. Then, you need to figure out how to reach them. Can you contact them directly? Do you reach them through twitter? Or, do they just start following you through your company page on sites like Facebook or Linkedin?
To get exposure for your company, you really need to rethink PR and how you can use different ways to reach your key influentials. This is the biggest change in the history of the PR business and to be successful, we all need to adapt to the how people are now finding your news.
How Ground Temperature Changes with Depth
1 year ago
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